5 Marine Animals We're Putting In Danger (& How To Help Them)


It's no secret that due to destructive human behavior many land and sea animals are facing extinction. Our eco-system is comprised of interdependent animals and plants which constitute a complex web of life, where the extinction of a single species may affect the whole biological system pertaining to life and living things. Unfortunately the unprecedented unnatural extinction of many marine species including marine mammals, sea turtles and salmonids has not only endangered functioning of the ecosystem but also affected the ecological issues by large extent. The reasons for this threat to marine life are varied but mostly due to irrational human behavior and activities. (Soumyajit , Dasgupta. "10 endangered ocean species and marine animals.")

1. Hawksbill Turtle

The Problem

Hawksbill turtles get their name from their long, beautiful flippers that allow them to float like a hawk through coastal waters. Hawksbills are a member of a class of reptiles that have populated the world’s oceans for the past 100 million years! Unfortunately, their ancient claim to the seas may be running out. Because hawksbills inhabit mostly tropical, coastal waters where tourists like to gather, they have become a critically endangered species as the result of human interaction. While the actual population of the hawksbill is unknown, scientists estimate there are about 20,000 nesting females left on the planet.
What You Can Do

2. Maui’s Dolphin

The Problem
There are only 55 Maui’s dolphins left on the planet! The alarming disappearance of the Maui’s dolphin population is the direct result of careless fishing practices in the Maui’s habitat. Gillnetting and trawling have single-handedly caused this unique dolphin species to shrink so drastically in the past 40 years! These two methods of fishing involve dragging enormous, heavy nets along the ocean floor that are often left out for hours at a time with little supervision from fishermen. Maui’s need to surface to breathe and if caught in these large nets, there is little chance they will survive.
What You Can Do
There is a huge effort going on in New Zealand to protect this quickly disappearing species. It is imperative that you join in to stop irresponsible fishing and give the Maui’s a chance at survival.
  • Become a Maui’s advocate!
  • Join the “Let’s Face It” Campaign to publicize the plight of the Maui’s and start your own visual petition.
  • Support the work of WWF New Zealand to protect the Maui’s habitat and ban open-net fishing.
  • 3. Vaquita Porpoise

             Image result for Vaquita Porpoise
    The Problem
    The vaquita porpoise is a very small marine mammal that can only be found in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Like the Maui, the vaquita has become critically endangered as the result of entanglement in fishing nets. There are less than 200 vaquitas left in the world’s oceans and it is estimated that between 40 and 80 vaquitas are killed every year in gill and trawl nets. These fish are often caught as bycatch and drown in the nets when they can’t reach the water’s surface.
    What You Can Do
    Although the vaquita population is low, they can be saved if we act quickly! Here’s how you can help:

    4. Harp Seal

       Image result for Harp Seal
    The Problem
    The harp seal is pretty much the poster child of seals. Its beautiful wide eyes and fluffy white fur are enough to make anyone stop in their tracks and “aww.” But, despite its incredible adorableness, the harp seal is the major target of Canada’s “annual seal hunt,” a factor that is greatly contributing to the seal’s disappearance.  This year, the Canadian government set a quota for the hunt at a whopping 400,000 seals!
    In addition to this sick practice, harp seals are seriously threatened by thinning winter sea ice. Mothers give birth and support their pups on sea ice until they are big enough to swim on their own and thinning ice poses a chilling risk to new born pups.
    What You Can Do
    First and foremost, seal hunting needs to STOP to protect global seal populations. Here is how you can help  the harp seal:

    5. Blue Whale


    The Problem
    The blue whale is the LARGEST mammal on Earth, but despite its intimidating size, the blue whale is seriously endangered. It is estimated that between 10,000 and 25,000 blue whales remain on the planet. The greatest blow to the blue whale population came in the form of whale hunting, introduced around the world in 1900. Between 1900 and 1966 when they became protected by the International Whaling Commission, it is estimated that over 360,000 blue whales were slaughtered by whalers.
    Blue whales are also threatened by environmental changes that have lead to loss of habitat. These large, slow-moving whales are also highly susceptible to ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear.
    What You Can Do
    Saving the Blue Whale requires short-term and long-term efforts. In the short-term, you can help out by supporting the following groups. To make a long-term improvement in the population of blue whales, measures to abate the effects of climate change NEED to come into play! Here is how you can help:

Article courtesy of One Green Planet